The King's Pearl: Henry VIII and his daughter Mary - Hardback £20.00
Mary Tudor has long been known as 'Bloody Mary', the name given to her by later Protestant writers who vilified her for attempting to return England to the Catholic Church. Whilst a more nuanced picture of Mary's reign has begun to emerge, she is still dogged by stereotypes, depicted as a lonely and tragic figure, isolated both politically and personally after the annulment of her parents' marriage, and rescued from obscurity only by the good offices of Katherine Parr.
This new study, by the editor of Tudor Times, reassesses Mary's youth, and shows that, far from being a cut-off from the court, once she had accepted Henry's Supremacy over the Church, she was returned to the heart of political life.
All orders made via the Tudor Times shop will receive a .pdf containing four detailed family trees, showing Mary’s relationship with the wider European network of royalty, and the English nobility, which were too big to include in the hard copy of the book. This offer is only available through the Tudor Times Shop.